As we know that women love handbags, bags and purses but just why they love their handbags so much is more difficult to fathom. It is what defines them in today’s world. It can’t be genetic, as handbags have only been around for about 150 years. The handbag fashion only really started in the late nineteenth century but it was not until around 1920 that handbags or bags became an essential item of a woman’s wardrobe.
It’s the handbag that makes the woman” and these expensive bags are much aspired for its rarity and grandiose. It’s the limited supply, status and high quality of these expensive hand bags that makes every woman all flushed and excited to scamper and check these status bags out. If guys are obsessed with an exquisite car or upscale shoes, it’s the most expensive designer handbags for the ladies.
1. The Mouawad’s 1001 Nights Diamond Purse – $3.8 million
Officially certified by Guinness World Records the Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse is now the most expensive designer handbag in the world at $3.8 million. The heart-shaped purse is handcrafted from 18kt gold and has 4,517 diamonds (4,356 colorless, 105 yellow, 56 pink) with a total weight of 381.92 carats. It was made by ten artisans who worked on it for a total of 8,800 hours.
2. The Hermes Birkin bag created by Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka – $1.9 million
This Hermes bags was apparently sold in 2008 for around $1.9 million. It is made of platinum and has over 2,000 diamonds. It is also versatile, so that in addition to being a handbag you can also use the diamond strap as a necklace or bracelet by removing it from the bag. The bag itself has an 8-carat pear shaped shimmering diamond that can also be used separately
3. The Chanel “Diamond Forever” Classic Handbag – $261,000
The “Diamond Forever” classic handbag boasts 334 diamonds for a total of 3.56 carats, in 18-carat white gold. The shoulder straps are also made from white gold. There are only 13 available worldwide, with five of them being in the USA.
4. Lana Marks Cleopatra Bag – $250,000
Lana Marks produces one Cleopatra clutch for retail each year. The one in the picture is made of metallic silver alligator skin and a clasp with 1,500 black and white diamonds in 18-carat white gold. Helen Mirren wore the $250,000 Lana Marks Cleopatra Clutch at the 2007 Academy Awards. Lana only allows one star per year to carry her handmade diamond studded designs down the crimson carpet. How snooty is that?
5. Urban Satchel Louie Vuitton Bag – $150,000
The Louie Vuitton Urban Satchel Bag is created from all sorts of urban junk e.g. cigarette packets, water bottle, tea bags and band aid. Apparently this handbag doesn’t actually exist and was put together as a spoof by an artist.
6. Hermes Matte Crocodile Birkin Bag – $120,000
Named after British singer/actress Jane Birkin. The clasp of this tote boasts 10 carats of white diamonds. The bag itself is made of crocodile. You can get cheaper versions starting at around $5000
7. Leiber Precious Rose Bag – $92,000
The Precious Rose is in the shape of a perfect flower, the bag has 1,016 diamonds totaling 42.56 carats, 1,169 pink sapphires and 800 tourmalines. There is only one available in the world.
8. LV Tribute Patchwork Bag – $42,000
Twenty are available in Louis Vuitton stores in Europe and Asia but the 4 in the USA have already been sold.
9. Gadino Bag by Hilde Palladino – $38,470
This crocodile Gadino Bag from Norwegian designer Hilde Palladino has 39 white diamonds strategically placed in clasps of white gold.
10A. Marc Jacobs Carolyn Crocodile Handbag – $38,000
One of Marcj Jacobs’ most popular bags despite the hefty price tag. Purple crocodile skin, quilted with interior pockets and separators.